Saturday, June 13, 2009

Further Lessons From Australia

We the Student- Faculty Cell (SFC) and the Peer Group members of the Indira Gandhi National Open University congratulate the large number of people who turned out in thousands to campaign for an effective environmental policy for Australia in different Australian cities.These included people of diverse nationalities and ethnic groups.The attempt was to create an alliance of students, members of trade unions, members of different religious groups and environment campaigners who could strongly counter" the fossil fuel industry that currently has such a strong grip on climate policy in Australia". Multiculturalism thus acquired an environmental dimension.It is the greed of the fossil fuel industry which in the past and in the present has been held responsible for the threat of droughts, global warming and the threats to the survival of the coastal communities in Australia.This they do by opposing cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.This rally accused the current PM of Australia of surrendering to this lobby and showed a white flag.Now corporate greed backed by the state have been held responsible for the rise of fascism and racism in various historical contexts such as Germany in 1930s. It is in this context that the alliance of multiculturalism and environment is such a positive contribution of the 'emergency rallies ' today in Australia.If the struggle for survival against racism is to succeed in Australia the FISA must take a stand on the environmental issues and educate the Indian students on its links to their struggle to study in Australia.We in IGNOU too should draw appropriate lessons on this issue. (SFC and Peer Group members of IGNOU with the help 0f Mr. Ajay Mahurkar and Dr. Dolly Mathew)


  1. It is an indisputable fact that the accumulation of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, contributed more so by the industrialised nations, has set in motion a series of environmental disasters. Today, the earth is warmer and if temperatures rise by 2 degree Celsius annually, the world will be facing major catastrophes. For example, food production is declining in countries that need it the most, such as the Sub-Saharan African countries. The sea levels are already rising and if they continue, the island nations like Maldives and Australia can be wiped out. Maldives is already planning evacuation strategies. We, in India too, are facing worse changes in the climatic pattern with unpredicted droughts and floods happening in various regions. The glaciers, especially those in Himalayas, are melting faster, which are letting the sea water to rise and inundate the coastal areas and affecting the coastal communities. This has to be taken in more seriously by the developing countries, as the poor will have to bear the greater burden, as their dependence on natural resources for survival is greater. Oxfam reports that by 2015 global warming will adversely affect an estimated 375 million people, the majority of them will be from developing countries. The developing countries are being forced to adapt to the changes in the environment and they do not have the funds to use less carbon and yet sustain economic growth that is essential for their survival.

    The G77 have emphasised and stressed on the need for the developed countries to take immediate measures to cut back their emissions at least by 40 per cent to 1990 levels by 2020. The good news is that, US that had refused to accept the internationally agreed targets of limiting GHGs in the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, is now more than willing to be a part of an international agreement. But in run-up to Copenhagen Meet, the G77 countries and China will have to push hard for a commitment from the industrialised countries for a percentage of their GDP to fund climate action in developing countries.

    Multiculturalism can contribute to an environmentally sound approach and lobby for a more just and equitable system to deal with the consequences of global warming and pushing governments to take steps and actions that can lessen it. Federations like FISA and similar bodies across the globe can address these challenges by becoming a platform or forum to debate and dialogue strategies that can ensure growth, especially, of developing countries and by understanding that major responsibility for addressing the issue of global warming is not only of the developed and industrialised nations but holistic, that is, every country and its citizens being environmentally responsible.

  2. The stated objective of FISA is to promote multiculturalism.By linking to movements which integrate environment and multiculturalism, the FISA can hope to move into wider democratic platforms for its struggle against racism.Education of indian students in this direction can help in fostering more harmonious race relations and smoothen the process of studying in Australia. Participation of FISA and other similar bodies in broad based issues like environment enable them not only to grow but also help in strengthening their multicultural goals.

  3. the entire aussie episode is a pure racial and inhuman deliberate act. the world and its organizations of various kinds are responcible and the people of different nations were victimised by the racial flu. it is sad to say people of different nations, because the world is by or try or multisepted with diversities of diversities. the citizens of the world could not digest the sence of equality and unity among others or even among themselves, there fore the beast in the men comes out, sorry to mention the ;beast; atleast they are united in the times when it is required. people are interdipendents thus they are obilised to cooperate with each other. the act of global terror became a passion and fundamental as well. it is not required to be a peace lover but to be a peace keeper. i request all the citizens rather the members of the human comunity of the bworld to participate, contribute, pay tributes to those who really worked hard for the protection, promotion, propagation and safeguard of all the rights of the men to be restored.
